Some spells
Whats needed and other items

This is where I will place the spells that I found
while surfing the net, or while reading books.
They are not my favorties, nor have I ever used
them, this is a page of Spells, and on it that shall
be... but be warned, cast any spell, and it comes
back in three.

Spells and incantations that I use
will be added to the Diary page
of my Book of Shadows.

Casting a Circle
This is from Purple Pentagram pages

By the earth that is her body,
and by the air that is her breath,
and by the fire of her bright spirit,
and by the living waters of her womb,
the circle is cast

Closing a Circle
This is from Purple Pentagram pages

By the earth that is her body,
And by the air that is her breath,
and by the fire of her bright spirit,
and by the living waters of her womb,
The circle is open, yet unbroken
May the joy of the Goddess live in our hearts
Merry meet, and merry part
And merry meet again

Protection Candle
This is from Chalice's pages

You will need:
White 7 day candle, Silver cord, White pouch, Lady slipper,
2 Witch burrs, 2 White feathers, Angelica root, Tiger eye
stone, Hematite stone

Place all items on your work space. Pour a palm of lady
slipper and a palm of angelica root into the white pouch.
Place the tiger's eye and hematite inot the pouch and tie
securely. Wrap the Silver cord around white candle 7 times
and tie leaving 6 inch ends. Tie the witch burrs to the ends.
Tie the pouch to the cord knot securely. Slide a feather
between the cord and the candle on each side of the knot.
Light the candle on your work space and say, "By forces
strong beyond this space, I call to thee, Protect this place.
Enwrap all here with shields of might, to dispel harm with
blinding light."
Extinguish the candle and place in a secure
place. When the need is felt, Place the dressed candle in the
area to protect and light. Keep the candle burning until the
danger has passed. If the candle is consumed before the need
abates, then remove the candle dressing and repeat the spell
with a new candle. Numerous candles can be used at the
same time.

Instill Amulet
This is from Chalice's pages

You will need:
An Amulet, 4 Black Candles, charcoal, Bowl, Drawing Oil,
Power Oil, Ginger, Dragons Blood, Hemlock, Pennyroyal

obtain an amulet of your desire. On the night of the full
moon, Place the candles around the bowl at the cardinal
points. Light the charcoal in the bowl. Light the North
candle and sprinkle hemlock onto the charcoal. Say "
Northern Spirits that vib and reverb, I burn for thee this
noble herb"
. Light the East candle and sprinkle the
pennyroyal. Say "Powers that be of eastern form, fill the air
with forces of storm"
. Light the South candle. Sprinkle the
dragons blood and say "Oh Southern shades of fire and
flame, make our power one in the same"
Light the West
candle and sprinkle the ginger. Say "I call thee forth spirits
of Western light, grant unto me thy mystic might"
. Annoint
the amulet with the oils. Swing the amulet in small circles
over the bowl and through the smoke while saying "With this
talisman, I do spirit bind, to my heart, my soul, and clear of
mind. We are hence forth one and the same, and our power
now will spark and flame"
. Move the bowl near the north
candle. Place the amulet in the centre of the candles. Allow
the charcoal and the candles to burn out. Wear the amulet as
often as possible. Repeat this spell every full moon to
strengthen the power. If the amulet is ever lost, the spell
must be broken to severe the psychic link.

Below are notes on casting,
items used and other important points

Altar Devotion
Held prior to circle casting

Breathe deeply, ground and center.

Raise hands in Goddess position (spread in a V over your head
feet apart), then slowly lower them and cross them into the God
position (arms crossed over your chest, feet together)
feeling the power coursing down your arms throughout your body.

Light an illuminator candle.

Light the incense at the East, clap hands over the flame to extinguish

"Creature of Air
I cleanse and consecrate thee
to remove all negativity in this world
So mote it be"

Pass your hand over the incense three times to banish all negativity,
imagine a sparkling light around the incense

Light the candle at the South

"O creature of Fire
I cleanse and consecrate thee
to remove all negativity in this world
So mote it be"

Pass your hand over the flame three tims, as above

Do the same for West and North, with water and a bowl of salt,

Beginning North, move your hands over the altar five times, mixing
the powers of the elementals. Tap the hilt of the knife on the altar
at your right five times to seal.

Your altar is prepared. You are now ready to cast the circle and
begin workings of magick.

Items to include: These are from Chenoa's pages

Candles for spells, representing the Goddess/God, day of the week,
etc. (It also represents the element of fire on your altar); Incense.
You can use different types depending on the type of spell you are
casting. If your in doubt, you can always use Frankincense
(this represents air on the altar); Sea salt. You can use this to help
cleanse the area and it represents earth; A chalice for drinking
(it can also hold the element water).

Tools: These are from Chenoa's pages

Wand. It projects your energy.
Although you can buy beautiful ones made of crystal or silver,
you can make a simple one of wood that works just as well.
But, find the right piece of wood. Now, this may sound strange,
but since we're working WITH nature, you really have to "ask"
the tree before you go pulling parts off of it. Go with your gut feeling.

Broom. Yep, we really have a broom.
You'll use this to "sweep" all of the negative energy out of your circle.

Pentacle. A disk with a pentagram
(and sometimes it also has other symbols) on it.
It can be made from wood, rock, or even etched into wax.

Athame/Sword. Used to command power.
It's a dull double-edged sword. If you don't have one, don't worry,
you can use your wand until an appropriate one finds you.

Cauldron. This is a symbol of the Goddess and can be
used to mix herbs, water and mixtures.

Tool Consecration
This ritual is designed for an athame or a chalice, but can be
adapted for any altar tool

Incense (east)
White candle (south)
Small bowl of water (west)
Small bowl of salt or earth (north)

Cast the Circle

Before these spirits, I bring this (tool) to be dedicated to the service
of the Lady and the Lord.

Pass the tool three times through the smoke of the incense, saying:
By power of air, be purified.
Be dedicated to purity, that all goals you help acheive may harm none
and be for the good of all.

Pass the tool three times through the flame of the candle, saying:
By power of fire, be purified
Be dedicated to desire, that all goals you help achieve may harm none
and be for the good of all.

Sprinkle a few drops of water on the instrument, saying:
By power of water, be purified
Be dedicated to emotion, that you be used in a spirit of harmony,
harming none and for the good of all.

Touch the instrument to the earth or salt, saying:
By power of earth, be purified.
Be dedicated to steadfastness, that my will be acheived without
wavering with harm to none and for good of all.

Presentation to the Lord and Lady
If this is a chalice, present it first to the Lady, then to the Lord.
If it is an athame, reverse the order. All other instruments, use your
own preference, but it is a courtesy to present to Her first.

Presentation of a Chalice
Lady, bless this chalice, let it be a vessel of productivity that may
be worthy to reside in circle with you. Let it be so bound that no harm
may come of it to any being.
To thy service, I dedicate this vessel, that it and I may be long of
service to thee.
Lord, bless this chalice and keep watch over it. Guard the works which
come forth from it, that they harm none and be ever in the service of thee
and thy Lady.
To thee I vow that I shall use it for her sacred purposes and none other.
So Mote It Be

Presentation of an Athame
Great Lord, bless this athame. Let it be pure for thy service and bind it
so that no harm may come of it to any being.
Lord, bless this athame, that it be used always in the worship and honour
of the Gods.
Lady, bless this athame, that it may bring forth joy and purity, and shall
cause no harm to any being.
I dedicate this athame to thy service, Great One.
So Mote It Be.

Release the Circle

Moon Phases

NEW MOON - When the moon is dark and not visible.
This is a good time for magick concerning personal growth and healing.

WAXING MOON - When the moon is increasing from dark to light (new to full).
The waxing period is good for magick concerning attraction, or bringing positive influences.

FULL MOON - When the moon is full, heavy, and bright.
Full moon magick can be a lot of things. I like to use it for protection,
health, purification, and to Draw Down the Moon.

WANING MOON - When the moon is decreasing from light to dark (full to new).
The waning period is good for banishing unwanted influences such as habits, illness,
negativity, emotional baggage, and so on.

DARK OF THE MOON - This is a phase that occurs three days before the
NEW MOON, and you cannot see the moon at all in the sky. No magick should be
performed during the dark of the moon.. however this time is ruled by the crone goddess
Hecate, and should you be in need of her now is the time to ask.

SAfe Journeys, and Merry We Part...
Peace and Blessed Journeys

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